Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Activate the Emergency Response system

I had my Emergency Room rotation today at the same hospital where I work at today.  It is always nice to get a break from the repetative Med-Surg routine I have been doing for two semesters now.  I was in the ER for about 8 hours today and it was INSANE.  Couple of main events of the day I gave...

3 Intramuscular Injections - Deltoid and Ventro-Gluteal(huge needle)

1 IV line started

1 NasoGastric tube inserted

1 viewing of an inctubation 

1 viewing of defibrilation ( one of my life long dreams is to defibrilate someone.  I know it's twisted)

1 suppositorial medication insertion... haha.

After today I'm thinking ER nursing may be enough excitement to hold my interest.  I get to watch a surgery tomorrow though... so we shall see.

couples survey

Couples Survey

♥ Fill it out and let's learn about you and your better half!

♥ What are your middle names?
Mine: Michael
Hers: Marie

♥ How long have you been together?
4 years in june.

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
about 4 months

♥ Who asked who out?
Our good friend Justin bluntly brought to our attention that we were both pretty much going out in front of both of us at the same time.  So Justin.

♥Who said I love you first?
You know I do not really remember.

♥ How old are each of you?
Me: 21
Her: 21

♥ Do you have any children together?

♥ What about pets?
No, but I strongly believe that my three dogs at home are better dogs than her three at home.  

♥ Did you go to the same schools?
When we met in highschool no, but now yes.

♥ Are you from the same hometown?

♥ Who is the smartest?
Yeah, definitely not answering that one.

♥ Who is the most sensitive?
Id say we are the same.

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don't really stick to one place, but we definitely eat out most from the hours of 4pm-6pm when appitizers and beer are usually half off.

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Puertta Vallarta, or San Francisco.  Pretty sure geographically it is the first, but come to think of it, I have no idea where Puertta Vallarta is in Mexico.

♥ Who has the craziest ex?
I have never asked Jess about who she has dated previously.  I think its better not knowing because it doesn't really matter because she is with me now.  There is nothing I can gain I believe from me asking her who she has previously dated. Infact if anything my mind might start playing tricks on me if I did know.  this way I keep my sanity.

♥ Who has the worst temper?
We are both very calm people.  We both curse at people while driving though when they drive really slow, or are doing stupid things.  We don't mean it though.

♥ Who does the cooking?
She.  The only thing I do nowadays is boil pasta and pour olive oil on it.  

♥Who is the most social?
She is.  Schools moving at 100mph for me, so when I have free time I like to sit in my apartment and do nothing.  Jessica has to struggle sometimes to get me to go out and have fun.

♥ Who is the neat-freak?
Yah, were both slobs. 

♥ Who is the most stubborn?
I dont think one of us is more stubborn than the other.

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
My classes start earlier.

♥ Where was your first date?
Wow you know I really do not know.  We were 16&17 years old.  I don't know if we ever really had a "first date"... but we did meet at a highschool hotel party where we both kissed different people that night before kissing each other.  hahahaha, ohhh to be young.

♥Who has the bigger family?
You know I actually think she might.  Her aunt had 7 children and all those children now have children, so yah.

♥Do you get flowers often?
Me no.  

♥ Who do you spend the holidays with?
Sometimes we switch off, sometimes we just do our own family, it depends.

♥ Who is more jealous?
I don't think we get too jealous.

♥ Who sings better?
Me.  Heavy intoxication is needed though.

♥Who does/did the laundry?
We both do our own. She uses my machine though.

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
I am.

♥ Who drives when you are together?
I usually do, sometimes she does though.

♥ Who picks where you go to dinner?
I think I usually do. Jess is very easy going.

♥ Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
I do, probably because I am wrong more haha.

♥ Who named your pet?
no pets.

♥ Who wears the pants in the relationship?
I do.

♥ Who has more tattoos?
None.  I have more back pain though.

♥ Who eats more sweets?
She does.  I don't like sweet things.

♥ Who cries more?
I dont cry.  I think something is off with my anatomy up there.

♥ Are you still together?